

A. By tackling the most difficult part first.
By doing merely the manageable part of the project.
C. By dividing them into smaller parts to finish one after another.
D. By imagining a positive sense of accomplishment.



A. It can facilitate your learning.
B. It can make it easier for you to fall asleep.
C. It can give you a sense of confidence.
D. It can make you feel positive.


A. Suggestions to reduce your stress to manageable levels.
B. Suggestions to deal with stress at school.
C. Tips to help you enjoy life.
D. Tips to get a good result in a fierce competition.


A. He had a heart attack and died peacefully.
B. He was attacked hard and died quickly.
C. He died peacefully when preparing dinner.
D. He died peacefully while sleeping on the bed.


A. 植物外伤
B. 角膜接触镜佩戴史
C. 自身免疫力低下
D. 药物滥用
