简答题在某班班委成员的选举中,已知王小红、李强、丁金生3位同学被选进了班委会。该班的甲 ,乙,丙三名学生预言如下:甲说:王小红为班长,李强为生活委员。乙说:丁金生为班长,王小红为生活委员。丙说:李强为班长,王小红为学习委员。班委会分工名单公布后发现,甲 、乙,丙 三人都恰好猜对了一半。 问:王小红、李强、丁 金生各任何职?(提示:用等值演算求解。规定:每人只能任职一种班委干部)
用主析取范式判断 公式(p→q)→r 与公式 q→(p→r)是否等值。
A. 析取范式
B. 合取范式
C. 主析取范式
D. 以上答案都不对
命题公式(¬P→Q)→(¬Q∨ P)
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
撰写一封商业信函。要求参见下面。请将一页纸的Word或PDF文档以附件形式上传至答案区。请不要把信件内容直接贴在答案区。HomeworkSuppose you are an International Student Coordinator at the International School of NUFE. You are writing to someone at the International Office of Keely University in the UK. In the letter, you need toexpress NUFE’s intention of creating an exchange student programme with Keely Universitybriefly explain the purposes and the scope of the programme, and the benefits for both universitiesbriefly explain why Keely University should choose NUFE as a partnersay that a brochure is enclosed in the envelopthank the recipient of the letter for their time and considerationRequirementsincluding all formal business letter elementsno more than one page (about 250 - 300 words, A4, font size 12 pt, Arial or Times New Roman)http://gjjy.nufe.edu.cn/xyjj/xyjs.htm 国际教育学院网址因为是发给International Office, Keely University的第一封信,所以要求行文简洁,避免太多细节。