
What can we know about Nancy's roommate?

A. Her roommate’s bad lifestyle nearly makes Nancy mad.
B. Her roommate always listens to music alone at midnight.


What does "you do not" mean here?

A. Brad does't like Milli Vanilli.
B. Nancy can't believe it.

What can we infer from this conversation?

A. Nancy thinks the muffin tastes not good.
B. Nancy is not supposed to eat the muffin.

施密特触发器电路具有两个稳态,而多谐振荡器电路没有稳态( )

A. 对
B. 错

要设计一个波形变换器,将正弦波信号转换为同频率的矩形波信号, 应选用( ) 电路。

A. 施密特触发器
B. 单稳态触发器
C. 多谐振荡器
D. A-D转换器
