Judge whether the following statement is true or false.1. English Grammar is the body of rules that describe the structure of expressions in the English language.
数字万用表可以流过电阻的( )、电阻两端的( )及电阻值。
A. 电流,电压
B. 电压、电流
C. 电阻、电压
D. 电阻、电流
A Rose for Emilyis about the extremes of
A. disparity
B. Isolation
C. Memory
D. Racism
Having finished my homework, I went home.
A. Compound Sentence
B. Simple Sentence
Complex Sentence
D. Complex Compound Sentence
When I finished my homework, it was dark.
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
D. Compound Complex Sentence