

A. 对
B. 错


What is/are the truth(s) about Qin Yi's obligation(s) as a sole agent?

A. Qin Yi is not allowed to handle the same or similar products of other origins.
B. Qin Yi is not allowed to re-export Ryran's goods to any other areas outside herown.
C. Qin Yi is obliged to give a detailed report on current market conditions and theusers’comments(评论)on the agent products every three months.
D. Qin Yi is obliged to adequately advertise and promote the sales of the productsthroughout the agreed territory.
E. Qin Yi has to pay for the sales promotion.

If Qin Yi's annual sales volume were $18 million and the agreed annual quota is$15 million, how much annual commission could she get?

A. $930,000
B. $780,000
C. $93,000
D. $78,000


A. 820
B. 825
C. 600
D. 720

甲公司于20X8年1月3日以银行存款2000万元购入A公司40%有表决权股份,能够对A公司施加重大影响,假定取得该项投资时,被投资单位各项可辨认资产、负债的公允价值等于账面价值,双方采用的会计政策、会计期间相同。20X8年6月5日,A公司出售商品一批给甲公司,商品成本为400万元,售价为600万元,甲公司购入的商品作为存货。至20X8年年末,甲公司已将从A公司购入商品的50%出售给外部独立的第三方。A公司20X8年实现净利润1200万元,假定不考虑所得税因素。甲公司20X8年应确认对A公司的投资收益为( )万元。

A. 480
B. 400
C. 440
D. 240
