Situation: Maya sees the president of her company (an American) serve some coffee to a visitor. In her country, a company president would always ask a secretary to perform tasks like that. She asks Janice:
A. I saw the company president serve coffee to a visitor. For me, that was very unusual. Does that seem unusual to you?
B. Don’t American secretaries like to take care of their bosses?
C. Is the president's secretary sick?
Situation: Maya visits Janice^ house one Saturday afternoon. She is listening to a conversation the family is having. Janice, her husband and the children are discussing where to go for their summer holiday. Janice wants to go to New York City, but the children want to go camping instead. Janice listens carefully to the children's reasons.Later, Maya asks another American:
A. Why do American children have so much power in the American family?
B. Why do American parents let their children tell them what to do?
C. Do Americans often let their children help make decisions?
A. 利多卡因
B. 地尔硫卓
C. 奎尼丁
D. 胺碘酮
E. 普罗帕酮
A. 胺碘酮
B. 阿托品
C. 利多卡因
D. 奎尼丁
E. 氟卡尼
A. 普罗帕酮
B. 利多卡因
C. 奎尼丁
D. 苯妥英钠
E. 胺碘酮