On the tour of France, the sight of the Mediterranean Sea reminded me of last summer when I, as a good swimmer, had hopped from the highest diving board at a pool and, as a result, hit the water with an impact so incredible that I ______1_____. From then on, my fear of water refused to ____2______.In the _____3___ of my painful memory, however, I heard shouting in French and saw a mob of people running into the sea with their clothes on. I realized the _____4______ with horror — rough waves were forcibly dragging a boy out to the sea. But despite the rescuers’great effort, they made little progressin reaching the drowning boy. ______5_____ the situation, I found it was the quickest access to the boy to go out on the jetty. I raced down the beach but when hit with water at the ridge of the jetty, I whirled around, convinced that someone else would save the boy.To my ___6___, no one was there.Seen from there, the boy was being _____7________ by vicious waves. Without any more delay, I threw myself into the water. I reached the boy in time to have him ______8_______. Afterovercoming the ______9_____ through swimmingsideways first and then floating to rest, we slowly made our way to safety. And the moment my hand hit the jetty, nothing signified my ___10_______ as much as just letting myself go in the water.