在软件结构设计完成后,对于下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 软件层数过多,可能是因为各管理子模块功能过于复杂的原因
B. 对软件宽度影响最大的因素是扇入
C. 一个模块的扇出过大,说明该模块过分复杂,缺少中间层
D. 一个模块的扇入过大,说明该模块过分复杂,缺少中间层
2. There is a wide variety of products available to buy on the Internet. ()
A. 对
B. 错
3. Men are spending more online than women. ()
A. 对
B. 错
Which of the following components of an operating system maintains the directory system?
A. memory manager
B. file manager
C. device drivers
D. process administration