
使用Windows 2000操作系统中,要查看已知文件类型的扩展名,需要在磁盘目录下执行命令(4)设置;用键盘上的Delete 删除软盘中的文件时,该文件(5);在硬盘上要直接删除文件而不让文件进入回收站,可以用快捷键(6)。

A. “工具”→“文件夹选项”→“查看”
B. “查看” → “列表”
C. “工具”→“文件夹选项” →“文件类型”
D. “查看”→“详细资料”



A. 浮点运算器可用两个松散连接的定点运算部件——阶码部件和尾数部件来实现
B. 阶码部件可实现加、减、乘、除4种运算
C. 阶码部件只可进行阶码相加、相减和相乘操作,而不能进行除操作
D. 尾数部件只进行乘法和除法运算

净资产收益率=营业净利率×总资产周转率×权益系数。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

高原地区施工增加费是指海拔高度在1800m以上的地区,由于受气候、气压的影响,致使人工、机械效率降低而增加的费用。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

M: No...I am afraid you are mistaken. Instead of completing that, we' ve got to come up with a selling idea for those kitchens. Remember? The boss will be wanting to see us after lunch and he will be expecting it all to be more or less tied up parcel-like.
F: Wouldn't it be better to finish one job before beginning another. The boss will understand surely.
M: Forgive me if I keep correcting you. but remember there are deadlines. And when there is a deadlines the boss is as immovable as a barnacle.
F: So we will have to come up with the parcel. Any ideas?
M: Absolutely none. And my usually grasshopper brain is not at its come-up-with-the-ideas best this morning. Let' s have a look at the details.
F: Well whatever its like we've got to make it a dream. Gleaming perfection, slick, everything fitted--fitted is a key word isn't it-- everything to avoid the impression of the inevitable mess that kitchens actually get in.
M: How clear it is, that you are new to the adman' s business. I' m afraid you are on the wrong track. The key words to this ad are going to be "timeless, supplicated beauty", "the haute couture of haute cuisine 'and you have forgotten the adman' s first rule.
F: Which is?
M: Hard desk-work, getting to know the facts. You' ve got to knead the dough before you can ice the cake. Let' s look at the ingredients.
F: What makes this kitchen different from any other?
M: Here are some photos, what do you notice?
F: Well, it is different from all the other kitchens on the market. This one is non-fixed.
M: Yes, all the various units can be moved about.
F: Yeah, that is the point...
Who are the sparkers?

A. Salesmen.
B. Editors.
D. Advertising agents.
