
A nuclear accident would have serious _____for the environment, so we should be careful.

A. effects
B. influences
C. consequences
D. endings


Sarah intends to take full______of this foreign trip to buy the things she wants.

A. interest
B. chance
C. charge
D. advantage

Their______is to defend their country against the enemies' attack.

A. duty
B. respect
C. glory
D. luck

下列关于Hive基本操作命令的解释错误的是:( )

A. create database userdb;//创建数据库userdb
B. create table if not exists usr(id bigint,name string,age int);//如果usr表不存在,创建表usr,含三个属性id,name,age
C. load data local inpath ‘/usr/local/data’ overwrite into table usr; //把目录’/usr/local/data’下的数据文件中的数据以追加的方式装载进usr表
D. insert overwrite table student select * from user where age>10; //向表usr1中插入来自usr表的age大于10的数据并覆盖student表中原有数据

下面哪个不可能是Hive的执行引擎:( )

A. MapReduce
B. Tez
C. Storm
D. Spark
