Conversation 1[音频]W: Why do you look so unhappy?M: It's the mid-term test. I got a C and Mom was angry.W: Then?M: Then I said it was not my fault. I was busy with my part-time job.W: 1) __________________________________.M: Why do you say I'm wrong?W: You got a C because you didn't work hard, not because of the part-time job.M: Well, I guess 2)________________ .W: So you get 3) __________?M: Yes, and I'll say sorry to Mom.
A. 字符流类
B. 字节流类
C. 对象流类
D. 不属于上面三者
A. 2.5
B. 5
C. 7.5
D. 10
使用夹点拉伸文字时,夹点原点坐标(10,20),拉伸距离为(@30,40), 则拉伸后的文字夹点坐标为:
A. 40,60
B. 10,20
C. 30,20
D. 10,60