下列税金中,应该计入到固定资产入账价值的有( )。
A. 购入固定资产按照税法规定可以抵扣的增值税进项税额
B. 契税
C. 耕地占用税
D. 车辆购置税
社会工作者小李在幸福社区开展老年照顾计划时,通过充分调动社区居民,结合居委会、卫生所、养老院、高校志愿者等多方资源,打造了多层次的社区养老体系。这一过程体现了社区工作( )的基本原则。
A. 强调居民参与
B. 以社区发展为主要目标
C. 开展广泛合作
D. 尊重社区自决
If anybody calls, tell them I'm out and ask them to ________their names and addresses.
A. pass
B. write
C. take
D. leave
My uncle called and asked me if I had ________the birthday gift from him.
A. invented
B. raised
C. received
D. ordered
This silk dress ________so smooth.It's made in China.
A. feels
B. smells
C. sounds
D. tastes