
若平面汇交力系的各力矢作用线都平行于x轴,则该力系只需满足一个平衡方程∑Fix = 0,力系即平衡。

A. 对
B. 错


You are about to go onstage to give a presentation. Though you have prepared well, your hands have started to shake and your knees are feeling weak. What do you do?

A. Call off the presentation.
B. Take a deep breath, visualize your success and hold onto the lectern when you are onstage.
C. Go get a glass of water or something small to hold onto.
D. Quickly find someone else to give your presentation.

Anxiety over public speaking can be reduced by:

A. Preparing well ahead of time.
Becoming familiar with the technology in your presentation.
C. Presenting a familiar subject.
D. All of the above.

1.Oral presentations are part of school, not the workplace.

A. 对
B. 错

List three methods you would personally use to reduce your anxiety before your speeches.
