What does the word “sitting” most probably mean inparagraph 1?
A. the position of resting in a chair
B. current, present
What did Premier Li feel personal about?
A. The importance of training more brilliant scientists.
B. The importance of training more brilliant teachers.
Why did President Bai of CAS make the request for Dr. McNutt’s meeting with Premier Li?
A. To show that Premier Li is hoping for a good relationship with the US.
B. To show that scientific research is highly respected in China.
关于定题演讲,以下做法哪个不正确?( )
A. 提前充分准备
B. 依赖记忆盲目背诵文稿
C. 注重眼神交流
D. 务必正式着装
问答环节要等评委结束讲话才开始演讲的原因不包括( )
A. 麦克风那时候才打开。
B. 选手迫不及待开始作答,往往可能只听懂了问题的一部分。
C. 只听懂问题的一部分,会带来尴尬和适得其反的结果。
D. 打断别人的讲话是非常不明智和不礼貌的。