
If you don’t work hard, your dream will _____ bubbles.

A. end in
B. end up
C. lead to
D. result in


Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological _____.

A. revolution
B. evolution
C. production
D. population

To some extent, these chicken soup for the soul can _____a guide in your life.

A. serve as
B. act on
C. apply to
D. refer to

Only in America……____ use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

A. we
B. do we
C. we do not
D. do you

Conventions of opera are not different from those of other forms of art _____,

A. in their nature
B. in the nature
C. in nature
D. by nature
