
Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because____.

A. they enjoy the variety of equipment.
B. they like being able to work on their own.
C. It is an important part of their studies.


You have made a few mistakes in your composition but you have done well.()

A. on the whole
B. generally speakingaking
C. on the other hand
D. first of all

资料三:我国在推进教育公平方面虽然做了大量工作,但仍然问题较多。地区差距和城乡差距明显拉大,教育资源配置的严重差异,制度设计偏颇, 学生家庭收入过低, 政府规定执行不力,农民工的城市化政策缺失……造成了教育不公平。在今年的两会上,教育公平和教育均衡依然是政协委员提得最多、争论最激烈的话题。尤其是对《纲要》征求意见稿,更是政协小组会上讨论的焦点。如果让你参加讨论,请综合运用所学知识,拟出发言提纲(至


Shona has learnt from the research project that____.

A. it is important to plan projects carefully.
B. people do not like answering questions.
C. colleagues do not always agree.
