
听力原文: The two most famous faces in Britain today belong to two women who appear on television almost every night. If you open any popular magazine or newspaper you'll almost certainly see an article about one of them, with lost of photographs. Their names axe Susan Rippen and Anna Ford. Susan reads the 9 o' clock news on BBC Television, and Anna reads the 10 o' clock news on independent Television.
Most news announcers on British television are men, and when Susan began her job at the BBC three years ago, she was the first woman news announcer. Newspapers and magazines stared to take an interest in her and reporters started to write about her. Last year, Independent Television also decide to have a woman news announcer and they chose Anna Ford. Newspapers and magazines showed a great interest in her, too.
When Anna read the news for the first time on the 10 o' clock programme, millions of people who don' t normally watch the programme decided to watch it that night, to see Anna Ford.

A. They are the most attractive women in Britain.
B. They are the most popular film stars.
C. They are the first women news announcers on British television.
D. They appear almost every night in TV plays.



A. 正确
B. 错误

听力原文:W: Could you please tell me if Flight 818 from San Francisco will be on time?
M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about 10 minutes.
Q: What do you think the woman is talking to?

A clerk at the airport information desk.
B. A clerk at the railway station information desk.
C. A policeman.
D. A taxi -driver.

听力原文:W: Do you mind if I borrow your notes?
M: No, of course not. They are on my desk.
Q: What does the man mean?

A. He left his notes at home.
B. He doesn't know where his notes are.
C. He doesn't want to lend his notes to the woman.
D. He agrees to lend her his notes.

Agricultural News
Food and Agriculture in Twenty-five Years
According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, there is enough food to feed everyone in the world, if the food were given out evenly. But, it is not. As a result, more than 700 million people in developing countries do not get enough food to eat.
IFPRI officials say that in the next 25 years the world population will increase by about 100 million people each year. They say that unless something is done soon, the situation will become much more serious.
There are different opinions about the problem of feeding the growing population. Some experts say an intense use of chemicals and the loss of soil from wind and rain have damaged some farmland beyond repair. Other experts believe that recent discoveries in bio-technology will help increase production. They say farm land has not been damaged as much as some people have reported.
In an effort to better understand the problem and ways to solve it, IFPRI has developed a three-part international program. Part one began in 1994. It continued through June of 1995. It involved research a bout the world food situation, poverty and the environment. The research results are being published and sent to experts for their comments.
The second part involves an international conference to discuss way to meet the world' s food needs by the year 2200 and beyond. Government officials from developed and developing countries, experts on agriculture and environment, and leaders of international organizations will attend. IFPRI officials hope the conference to be held in Washington DC will lead to a program of action that both sides can agree to support.
Part three of the program will inform. people about results of the conference and plans developed to deal with the situation. That effort began in June of 1995 and continue through 1996. The International Food Policy Research Institute says steps must be taken before a worldwide shortage of food develops and all natural resources are destroyed.
New Super Rice
Scientists with the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines have developed what they call a super rice. They say it could increase world production of rice by as much as 25 percent.
Last year, farmers are expected to produce about 350 million tons of rice. But more rice than that will be eaten. The extra rice will come from supplies saved during years when production was greater than demand.
Today, there are about 4.5 billion people in the world. But the World Bank says that in 30 years there will be more than eight billion. The huge increase in population will greatly increase the demand for rice.
Researchers say the new rice could produce 100 million tons more of rice each year. That amount could feed almost 500 million people.
More rice plants grown today have about 25 stems on each plant. Only about 15 of these stems pro duce flowers. The flowers produce the rice. Each flower usually contains about 100 grains of rice.
The researchers used computers to design a new plant. They decided that to produce more rice they needed to reduce the number of stems on each plant. Then more of the plant' s energy would go to producing grains of rice. So they mixed existing rice plants until they grew a plant that looked like their design.
The new rice contains only eight stems. But each stem contains a flower. And each flower produced as many as 250 grains of rice.
Lester Brown, president of World watch Institute, says the demand for rice in Asia will be two times greater 35 years from now. But as the population increases, less land will be available for growing rice. He says this is why the announcement of the new more productive rice is so exciting.
Researchers plan to begin to test the

A. Y
B. N
