What makes traditional surveys unscientific according to the second paragraph?
A. The sampling is not made strictly randomly.
B. The interview has to be conducted face-to-face.
C. Improper questions are often included in a survey.
D. Selection of respondents is often a matter of personal decision.
Once again, Success in farming is accompanied by new worries, which brought about a disaster to the village.
A. assaulted
B. followed
C. approved
D. adapted
A. come to
B. bring to
C. tend to
D. stand to
A. must have been provided
B. might have provided
C. must have provided
D. might have been provided
It is also believed that these steroids could be used to treat disorders such as acute anxiety and pre-men-strual syndrome.
A. enmity
B. symptom
C. adversity
D. plaintiff