A.They have a lot in common.B.They haven't seen each other for a long time.C.They are
A. They have a lot in common.
B. They haven't seen each other for a long time.
C. They are enjoying seeing each other again.
D. They often visit each other and talk for a long time.
听力原文: Education is so important in the whole world. Every country takes a certain amount of money from tariffs. According to different countries, there are different strategies. Education is required and free for every child in the United States. Most children start by the age of six. They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of high school(or secondary school). The money for free public schools comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its own educational system. State legislatures set the educational requirements but leave the management of the schools in the hands of the local 'communities. Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 years according to the laws of the individual states. The Federal government contributes funds to the states for additional schools and school services.
After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in a two-year college, a four-year college, a university, or a specialized professional school either public or private. Most colleges admit students on the basis of their high-school records. Students work to help pay their college expenses. Only 2 percent of the population of the country cannot read and write.
During the whole life of a person, most of the time was spent in studying. And we should put our energy and youth to the valuable career. Study more and learn more.
A. From the Federal government.
B. From the state legislatures.
C. From taxes.
D. From the parents of the school children.
A.He always eats more than he can chew.B.He eats while studying and working.C.He got s
A. He always eats more than he can chew.
B. He eats while studying and working.
C. He got sick because he ate too much.
D. Bob is trying to study and work too much.
A.Preparing for bed.B.Walking toward the campus.C.Looking for a place to live.D.Inviti
A. Preparing for bed.
B. Walking toward the campus.
C. Looking for a place to live.
D. Inviting some friends to visit.
下列有关回避制度的适用,正确的是: ()A.某县法院副院长黄某之妻的弟弟系一起故意伤害案的被告人下列有关回避制度的适用,正确的是: ()
A. 某县法院副院长黄某之妻的弟弟系一起故意伤害案的被告人之一,由于该案在当地影响较大,法院决定由副院长黄某担任审判长主审该案,开庭公告贴出后,被害人孙某向法院申请黄某回避。对于黄某的回避应由审判委员会决定
B. 崔某系某市人民检察院检察长,有关崔某的回避应由检察委员会决定,讨论崔某回避问题时,由副检察长主持,崔某不得参加
C. 方某系某人民法院审判员。方某担任一起被害人为黄某的故意伤害案件的审判长,被告人为韦某,庭审开始之时,韦某的辩护人于律师,举出两份证据,并申请方某回避。该两份证据证明了方某最近一直借用黄某所有的车牌号为XAXX888的本田轿车,该法院院长遂依此决定方某回避
D. 在一起故意伤害案中,被告人司某提出被害人胡某认识审理该案的审判员张法官,开庭前双方还点头互相致意,遂申请张法官回避,被当庭驳回,被告人司某可以申请复议一次