
The Economic and Social Research Council, which gives grants to postgraduate social scientists, wants to get better value for money by cutting short this agony. It would like to see faster completion rates: until recently, only about 25% of PhD candidates were finishing within four years. The ESRC’ s response has been to stop PhD grants to all institutions where the proportion taking less than four years is below 10%; in the first year of this policy the national average shot up to 39%. The ESRC feels vindicated in its toughness, and will progressively raise the threshold to 40% in two years. Unless completion rates improve further, this would exclude 55 out of 73 universities and polytechnics-including Oxford University, the London School of Economics and the London Business School.
Predictably, howls of protest have come from the universities, who view the blacklisting of whole institutions as arbitrary and negative. They point out that many of the best students go quickly into jobs where they can apply their research skills, but consequently take longer to finish their theses. Polytechnics with as few as two PhD candidates complain that they are penalized by random fluctuations in student performance. The colleges say there is no hard evidence to prove that faster completion rates result from greater efficiency rather than lower standards or less ambitious doctoral topics.
The ESRC thinks it might not be a bad thing if PhD students were more modest in their aims. It would prefer to see more systematic teaching of research skills and fewer unrealistic expectations placed on young men and women who are undertaking their first piece of serious research. So in future its grants will be given only where it is convinced that students are being trained as researchers, rather than carrying out purely knowledge-based studies.
The ESRC can not dictate the standard of thesis required by external examiners, or force departments to give graduates more teaching time. The most it can do is to try to persuade universities to change their ways. Recalcitrant professors should note that students want more research training and a less elaborate style. of thesis, too.
By the time new doctors get a job and try to finish their theses in spare time ______.

A. most of them died of some sickness
B. their holidays and evenings have been ruined by their jobs
C. most of them are completely tired of the narrowly defined subject
D. most of their grants run out



A. 包工包料工程的预付同约定拨付,原则上预付比例不低于合同金额的10%,不高于合同金额的30%,对重大工程项目,按年度工程计划逐年预付
B. 在具备施工条件的前提下,发包人若不按约定预付,承包人应在预付时间到期后10天内向发包人发出要求预付的通知,发包人收到通知后仍不按要求预付,承包人可在发出通知15天后停止施工,发包人应从约定应付款之日起向承包人支付应付款的利息,并承担违约责任(利率按同期银行贷款利率计)
C. 发包单位拨付给承包单位的工程预付款属于预支性质,到了工程实施后,随着工程所需主要材料储备的逐步减少,应以抵充工程价款的方式陆续扣回,抵扣方式必须在合同中约定
D. 在颁发工程接收证书前,由于不可抗力或其他原因解除合同时,预付款尚未扣清的,尚未扣清的预付款余额应作为承包人的到期应付款


A. 正确
B. 错误

Reading Comprehension (1)
It's 8: 30, time for John to start work. So he turns on his radio. Then he eats breakfast. As he eats, he reads his e-mail and reviews his to-do list. Then he sits on the sofa and thinks about an article he needs to write. . . Wait a minute! Radio? Breakfast? Sofa? What kind of workplace is this? Well, actually it is John's house, and he is a telecommuter - he works at home, communicating with the workplace through the Internet.
Like John, millions of people - and their employers - are finding that telecommuting is a great way to work. Telecommuters can follow their own schedules. They work in the comfort of their homes, where they can also look after young children or elderly parents. They save time and money by not traveling to work. Their employers save, too, because they need less office space and furniture. Studies show that telecommuters change jobs less often, This saves employers even more money. Telecommuting helps society, too, by reducing pollution and traffic problems.
Jobs that are suited to telecommuting include writing, design work, computer programming and accounting(会计). If a job involves working with information, a telecommuter can probably do it.
From the passage we know that John does his job______ .

A. by telephone
B. in his office
C. away from home
D. through the Internet

Section B

A. Going shopping.
B. Giving directions.
C. Buying fruit.
D. Introducing himself.
