
A.Refusing to attend the G8 summit in Germany.B.Threatening to point Russian missiles

A. Refusing to attend the G8 summit in Germany.
B. Threatening to point Russian missiles towards Europe.
C. Urging Britain to extradite a former KGB officer.
D. Criticizing America's human rights record.


A.Washing machine.B.Furniture.C.Ford Explorer.D.Air conditioning.

A. Washing machine.
B. Furniture.
C. Ford Explorer.
D. Air conditioning.


A. 10%-15%.
B. 15%-20%.
C. 25%-40%.
D. 40%-55%.

A.They should know about the country's traditions, customs and values.B.They should re

A. They should know about the country's traditions, customs and values.
B. They should remember a lot of facts and figures about the country.
C. They should promote social harmony and integration.
D. They should take English as their first language.

Part B Listening Comprehension
Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
听力原文:W: Dr. Harris, thank you for joining us today.
M: My pleasure.
W: To begin with, could you tell us the meaning of the term "baby boom"?
M: Of course. The word "boom" means a sudden, fast increase in something. In this case, we're talking about an increase in the birthrate, in other words, the number of babies born each year. From the end of World War Ⅱ until the early 1960s, that is, in the 1940s and the 1950s, there was a huge increase in the U.S. birthrate. So this period of 15 years or so is called the "baby boom", and any person born during those years is called a "baby boomer". The baby boomers are the largest age group in the U.S. population. In fact, there are about 76 million of them. Roughly, they are between 40 and 60 years old now.
W: Is that important?
M: Well, yes, it's extremely important, for two reasons. The baby boomers are not only the largest age group in the United States as I just said, but they also spend the most money. As a result of these two things, they have enormous political and economic power in this country, more than any other group.
W: How are baby boomers different from their parents? I mean, do they spend their money differently from the way their parents did?
M: Very differently. You have to remember that the parents of the boomers grew up in the 1920s and 1930s. The years between World War Ⅰ and World War Ⅱ were very difficult, especially after the stock market crashed in 1929. Then came the Great Depression. Most people were poor, and there weren't enough jobs. But in contrast to that, the baby boomers were born after World War II, when the U.S. economy was very strong. And it's still strong today, the strongest it's ever been. As a result, first of all, baby boomers like to spend their money instead of putting it in the bank. I mean, they save very little compared to their parents. Second, boomers use a lot of credit; that is to say, they use credit cards instead of paying cash for things. And third, baby boomers have much more free time than their parents did.
W: OK, so the baby boomers have a very different lifestyle. from their parents. They have a lot more money to spend than their parents did. What do they spend it on?
M: I'll get you several examples. First, what do you think is the biggest expense for people between the ages of 40 and 55?
W: Uh… housing?
M: Right. People in this age group spend between 25 and 40 percent of their income on housing, depending on where they live. In addition, they spend a lot of money on furniture and appliances, you know, refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and so on.
W: I see. How about another example?
M: Baby boomers are crazy about cars. They love foreign cars like BMWs, but also large family cars like station wagons and the latest fad, SUVs, you know, sport utility vehicles like the Jeep Cherokee or Ford Explorer.
1.Which period of years was called the "baby boom"?
2.Which statement is NOT true about the baby boomers?
3.Which statement is true about the baby boomers' parents?
4.What's the percentage of the baby boomers' income on housing?
5.Which example of baby boomers' expense is NOT mentioned in the conversation?

A. 1920s-1930s.
B. 1930s-1940s.
C. 1940s-1950s.
D. 1950s-1960s.
