
下列因素中,能使氧离曲线右移的是( )

A. 体温升高
B. 血液pH值升高
C. 血液PCO 2降低
D. 2,3-二磷酸甘油酸减少
E. H+ 浓度下降


有关紫绀的叙述,错误的是( )

A. 当血中Hb含量达50g/L时出现紫绀
B. 严重贫血患者均出现紫绀
C. 严重缺O 2的人不一定都出现紫绀
D. 高原性红细胞增多症可出现紫绀
E. CO中毒时不出现紫绀

氧解离曲线呈什么形状( )

A. H型
B. S型
C. 抛物线
D. 直线
E. 双曲线

What are the main functions of accounting information?

The users of accounting information can be divided roughly into two groups: those who have a direct interest in the business (D); those who have indirect interest in the business (I). Write the correct letter D or I in the brackets.( ) management( ) creditors( ) investors( ) lawyers( ) brokers( ) tax authorities( ) financial press
