

A. 头项强急不舒
B. 唾出若涕
C. 视物不清
D. 腰脊强痛
E. 恶风振寒


下列哪几项属于《素问·评热病论》“阴阳交”的症状?( )

A. 汗出辄复热
B. 烦满不解
C. 狂言
D. 不能食
E. 强上冥视

据《素问·评热病论》所述,劳风的治法有( )

A. 以救俯仰
B. 表里刺之
C. 饮之服汤
D. 可泄而已
E. 巨阳引

Which of these sentences about Padaung women do you think is true?

A. They only wear the brass rings for special occasions.
B. They wear the rings during the day, but take them off when they sleep at night.
C. They wear the rings all the time and only very rarely take them off.

They only wear the brgroup of people called the Padaung. The women wear special neck ass rings for special occasions.

A. 对
B. 错
