It is most important that the children be ________ in the knowledge that they are loved.
A secure
B conscious
C reliable
D alert
I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and ________ the joys it had brought me.
A came over
B took over
C recalled over
D lived over
filtration and filtering medium
阿糖胞苷水溶液pH 6.9,在60℃、70℃、80℃三个恒温水浴中进行加速试验,求得一级反应速度常数分别为3.5×10-4(h-1)、7.97×10-4(h-1)、1.84×10-3(h-1),求反应活化能及阿糖胞苷水溶液的有效期。