A. 资金融通
B. 资源配置
C. 风险分散
D. 经济调节
Passage Three. 听材料,回答下列各题:
A recipe for a soft drink.
B. The medicinal effects of cola.
C. The history of cola.
D. Soil-drink production.
A.It went out of use 300 years ago.B.It was invented after the short bow.
A. It went out of use 300 years ago.
B. It was invented after the short bow.
C. It was discovered before fire and the wheel.
D. It is still in use today.
下列表述中,属于民事法律行为的是() 。
A. 10 岁的小李购买银行理财产品
B. 某企业与银行签订高于人民银行规定的存款利率合同
C. 某企业与银行签订存款合同,目的为企业洗钱
D. 赵某委托其同学——某银行借贷员钱某为其发放普通贷款
某银行2010 年资本为500 亿,其中商业银行对自用不动产的资本投资为lo 亿,风险加权资产800 亿, 市场风险资本200 亿,操作风险资本l00 亿,那么该银行2010 年的资本充足率为()。
A. 10%
B. 10.77%
C. 10.98%
D. 11%