

A. 苯妥英钠缓慢静脉注射
B. 异戊巴比妥钠缓慢静脉注射
C. 地西泮缓慢静脉注射
D. 10%水合氯醛保留灌肠
E. 副醛保留灌肠



A. 仍需防止丹毒感染
B. 如果切除彻底,病变不会再继续发展
C. 弹力袜或弹力绷带的应用已显得无关紧要
D. 对于长时间站立已无大碍
E. 休息时没有必要再强调抬高患肢


A. 伤寒
B. 败血症
C. 钩端螺旋体病
D. 流行性脑脊髓膜炎
E. 流行性出血热


A. 婴儿腹泻,重度脱水,代谢性酸中毒
B. 婴儿腹泻,中度低渗性脱水,代谢性酸中毒
C. 婴儿腹泻,重度脱水,高钠血症,代谢性酸中毒
D. 婴儿腹泻,感染性休克,高钾血症,代谢性酸中毒
E. 婴儿腹泻,重度高渗性脱水,代谢性酸中毒

You are designing a group management strategy for users in the finance department. You need to identify the appropriate changes that need to be made to the current group management strategy. You want to accomplish this goal by using the minimum number of groups. What should you do?()

Add the finance users to the financeData group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.
B. Add the finance users to the financeGG group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.
C. Add the finance users to the financeGG group. Then add the financeGG group to the financeData group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.
D. Add the finance users to the financeGG group. Add the financeGG group to the financeUG group to the financeDat group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.&e
