

A. 有两条脐静脉
B. 脐静脉汇入肝脏
C. 右心的血1/3通过肺脏
D. 脐动脉内为含氧量高的动脉血
E. 入右心的为含氧量低的静脉血



A. 可用于促排卵
B. 是一种甾体激素
C. 随妊娠进展而增加,直至孕末期
D. 主要由郎罕细胞分泌
E. 葡萄胎时HPL升高

C One answer to the question of land shortage was suggested by an organization some years ago. A city was to be built at sea, housing 30,000 people. The suggestion was to shape the city like a harbor (港口). The outer wall of the harbor would stand on steel columns resting on the sea bed. Naturally this could only be where the water was fairly shallow. The people would like to live in flats in the fifty-metre high outer wall. The flats would be all face inwards, and would be made of concrete (混凝土) and glass. The glass would be specialy made and colored to control the heat and strong light from the sun. The planners called this man-made harbor would be calm. It would be floating islands carrying more building; a hospital, two theaters, museums, an art exhibition hall and a church. One of the islands would be a special factory to take the salt out of sea water and turn it into fresh water. People living in the city could move around on small boats driven by electricity, so there would be no air pollution from the burning of gas. There would be platforms outside the man wall for ships bringing supplies. People could also travel to the mainland by motorboat or water plane. What was suggested about the construction of a new city at sea

A. The city was to be designed together with a harbor.
B. The walls around the city would be made of steel and glass.
C. The building of the city would rest on a floating island.
D. The people would live in tall building surrounded by a wall.

听下面5段对等方面或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 What are the man and the woman talking about

A film.
B. A real story.
C. A ghost story.

案例分析题阅读下列材料,并根据材料回答问题:【材料一】2005年7月,德国联邦总统霍斯特·克勒通过电视向全国宣布解散本届联邦议会,从而为提前大选打开了大门。接着,联邦议院议长沃尔夫冈·蒂尔泽发表讲话,表示“以尊敬的心情”获悉了总统解散议会的决定。克勒总统说,鉴于德国目前的“严重处境”和“德国面临的巨大任务”,他做出了这一决定。联邦政府必须拥有支持其工作的可靠多数,而现在情况并非如此。总统说,他完全理解许多人对解散议会、重开大选的做法是否符合基本法所提出的疑问,他本人对此致以深切的敬意。他深入地研究了联邦总理施罗德的声明后,认为重开大选是为人民谋福祉的最佳途径。总理施罗德欢迎总统自主做出的决定,他指出,他提出提前举行大选的建议在社会上得到了广泛的支持。他深信,他领导下的联邦政府所推行的改革是正确的,他将以这样的理念作为候选人参加今年秋天的大选。【材料二】丹麦议会规定,每年10月第一个星期二中午起,至次年10月第一个星期二为一个“议会年度”,中间有两次休会时间。日本国会常年会一年一次,一般在每年12月中旬召开,会期为150天。法国规定,国民议会和参议院常会每年召开两次,一次从10月2日开始,会期为80天,另一次从4月开始,会期为90天。【材料三】2008年10月8日乌克兰总统维克托·尤先科宣布解散议会,提前举行选举。一些政治分析师说,提前选举不会改变基本政治力量对比,选举后政局混乱可能继续。尤先科没有公布选举日期。宪法规定,议会解散后60天内举行选举。这将是乌克兰自2004年以来第三次议会选举。乌克兰议会采取一院制,由450名议员组成,任期4年。本届议会为第6届,2007年9月选举产生。问题: 西方国家议会解散的原因有哪些。
