我国现阶段的中外合资企业、中外合作企业的本质是( )。
A. 混合性质的经济
B. 资本主义性质的经济
C. 社会主义性质的经济
D. 社会主义条件下的国家资本主义性质的经济
第十届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过的《反分裂国家法》指出:国家绝不允许“台独”分裂势力以( )把台湾从中国分裂出去。
A. 任何理由、任何途径
B. 任何理由、任何方式
C. 任何名称、任何方式
D. 任何名义、任何方式
The passage implies that human beings differ from computers in that human beings()
A. make fewer errors
B. do not have to be programmed
C. work more quickly
D. understand their instructions
The use of computers for specialized purposes depends on the()
A. design of the computer
B. power used to operate the computer
C. difficulty of the mathematical calculations involved
D. the ability of the programmer
Which of the following statements does not show the advantage of a microcar
A microcar can be parked even headfirst against the curb.
B. There is no need to get a driving license.
C. The insurance premium is much cheaper.
D. A microcar can travel on any kind of roads.