男,40岁,因反复乏力、腹胀、少尿2年,加重伴发热3天就诊。体查:T38.5℃,巩膜黄染,肝掌,腹膨隆,移动性浊音(+)。既往有乙型病毒性肝炎史20余年。腹部B超见肝略缩小,结节状,脾大,大量腹水,门静脉增宽。腹水检查:淡黄色,稍浑浊,白细胞1.5×109/L,中性90%。 应加用下列哪类药治疗
A. 针对革兰阳性球菌为主的抗菌药
B. 针对革兰阴性杆菌为主的抗菌药
C. 抗结核治疗药物
D. 抗肿瘤化疗药物
In which of the following countries does Lampell have no subsidiary
A. a. Britain,
B. b. France.
C. c. Germany.
D. d. Japan.
Which of the following leads to the Nikkei average’s plunge
A. a. The poor performance of the powerful New York bond market.
B. b. A sudden surge in profits from its overseas operation.
C. c. Drexol is back in the black after two years of disappointing results.
D. d. None of the above.
What caused the unsettlement of world’s stock markets
A. a. The fluctuation of the UK stock market.
B. b. A sudden end of the rally in the Hang Seng Index.
C. c. An overnight plunge of 53.71 in the Dow Jones.
D. d. The UK market is likely to be depressed.
What does the speaker mean
A. a. They have no time to practice.
B. b. This is the last practice.
C. c. They may not attend the show tomorrow.
D. d. They still need improving before they can perform the show.