
All ____________ is a continuous supply of fuel oil.

A. the thing needed
B. what is needed
C. that is needed
D. for their need


甲建筑公司本身不具备所承揽项目的资质,为了中标,借用了乙建筑公司的资质。2009年10月,所承建的工程竣工。对甲建筑公司的处罚是( )。

A. 没收其所得工程款
B. 没收其所得利润
C. 没收其所承建的工程
D. 不对其支付工程款

食盐按加工程度不同可分为( )。

A. 原盐,洗涤盐,再制盐
B. 海盐,池盐,矿盐
C. 海盐,井盐,矿盐
D. 原盐,井盐,池盐

____________ the news of his father's death, he burst into tears.

After hearing
B. On hearing
C. Having heard
D. While hearing

There ____________, we had to walk home.

A. was no buses
B. be no buses
C. being no buses
D. were no buses
