______is the official religion in Morocco. Only a fraction of the former number of_______has remained in the country, many having moved to Israel.
The Jews, also known as the Jewish people, are a nation and an ethnoreligious group, originating in the _________of the Ancient Near East. __________is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation.
A. 唯物主义
B. 唯心主义
C. 精神助产术
D. 形而上学
A. 内容与形式
B. 本质与现象
C. 必然与偶然
D. 全局与局部
A. 有无相生、难易相成
B. 你中有我、我中有你
C. 势不两立、不共戴天
D. 日夜交替、四季轮回