
Lesson 6 aerodrome information 填空-2[音频]P:Tower,CCA9834,runway04insightC:CCA9834,clearedtoland,runway04,_________ reported that runway is covered with ____________, ______________


Lesson 6 aerodrome information-拓展-2 填空-4[音频]ATC:Reduce speed to 140 to avoid running into __________ of the A320 ahead of you.

Lesson 6 aerodrome information-拓展-2 填空-1[音频]PIL: What are _________like?CTL: Braking action is poor and there's___________ reported at the far end of the runway.

Lesson 6 aerodrome information 填空-4[音频]_______expect late landing clearance,there’s possibly an _____ aircraftcurrently ______ at the threshold ofRunway 11, standby for _______

Lesson 6 aerodrome information-拓展-2 填空-2[音频]Approach: Varig 107, please note some of the __________aremissing in the approach lighting.Pilot 107: roger, you can turn off the ___________. The runway is beautifully clear. In fact can you turn the other lights down. They're a bit bright.Approach: OK, wilco.
