Directions: Watch the video clip and write “T” for the true statements and “F” for the false statements according to the clip.1. Janet looks a bit worried, upset or fed up.2. Kate is busy with her essay.3. Sometimes Janet feels like a moody teenager.4. Kate tries to comfort Janet by telling her funny stories.5. Kate believes it is abnormal for Janet to feel homesick after having a phone call from her parents.
某学生的记录由学号、姓名、八门课成绩、总成绩和平均分组成,分析下列程序,其功能是:运行结果为:。struct student{ intnum;//学号charname[20];//姓名float s[8];//八门课成绩float sum;//成绩和floatave;//平均成绩};intmain( ){ struct student s1={1101,"李小明",90,96,95,98.5,85,89.5,94,96};int i;s1.sum=0;for(i=0;i<8;i++)s1.sum=s1.sum+s1.s[i];s1.ave=s1.sum/8;printf("\n平均分是:%f\n",s1.ave);}