The bacterial cells grow in a process of _______?
A. Binary fission;
B. replication;
C. germination;
D. division
Which statement about generation time of bacteria is not right?
A. The time required for a population of cells to double in number;
B. Most bacteria have a generation time of 20 minutes;
C. The generation time for tuberculosis is 18 minutes ;
D. It is the time required for a bacterial cell to grow and divide.
Which is not right about the bacterial growth?
A. It means an increase in the size of a population of bacteria.
B. Division is the main event of growth.
Chromosomes are duplicated before division.
D. It means an increase in size of a bacterium cell.
Which four phases happen in right order in the bacterial growth curve?
A. logarithmic, stationary, death phase, lag.
B. lag; logarithmic, stationary, death phase.
C. stationary, lag, logarithmic, death phase.
D. lag, stationary, logarithmic, death phase.
In which phase are the endospores produced by some bacteria?
A. lag,
B. stationary,
C. logarithmic,
D. death phase.