Byron’s ____ is regarded as the great poem of the Romantic Age()
A. ”Ode to the West Wind”
B. Hours of Idleness
C. Lara
Don Juan
While “She walks in Beauty” primarily focuses on physical beauty, it also explores the relationship between_ and _()
A. character and personality
B. inner beauty and outer beauty
C. character and ability
D. inner beauty and inner self
The Isles of Greece comes from George Gordon Byron’s great work ____()
A. Chide Harold’s Pilgrimage
B. Oriental Tales
Don Juan
Pre-romanticism is ushered in by ____ and William Blake and represented by Percy, Macpherson and Chatterton()
A. Robert Burns
B. William Wordsworth
C. Robert Frost
D. George Gordon Byron
The greatest Scottish poet in the pre-romanticism is ____()
A. William Wordsworth
B. Oliver Goldsmith
C. Thomas Gray
D. Robert Burns