
Why do Chinese painters think that an artist while drawing should not break a line in a painting()

A. One unbroken line represents unity and the idea of Qi
Because a brush of a master should use all the ink in the brush, before adding more ink
C. A line represents Heaven, and out of the respect to Heaven should not be broken
D. A broken line represents Yin energy, and a good painting should be full of Yang energy


Who were some of the earliest Confucians()

A. thinkers
B. the man who hosted and lead rituals as a part of their job
C. officials
D. emperor relatives

Dao, in its most literal sense, refers to()

A. road
B. ritual etiquette
C. law
D. book

Which of the following phenomena can be said to be the performance of the Dao()

A. wood grain
B. planetary orbit
C. apple fell from a height to a low position
D. farmers’ rebellion

Why are Chinese paintings seldom framed()

A. Because wood was expensive in China, and only rich people could afford buying expensive wooden frames
Because in China paintings usually are rolled into scrolls, and one can’t roll a painting into a scroll if it is inside a hard frame
C. Because Chinese people do not find frames aesthetically beautiful
D. Because a painting frame had some religious meaning and only the emperor had a right to use them
