

A. 早期用药
B. 联合用药
C. 间断用药
D. 短期疗法
E. 经常更换抗痨药物



A. 增强疗效
B. 延缓抗药性
C. 减轻肝损害
D. 降低对神经的毒性
E. 促进吸收


A. 也趋向零
B. 趋向无穷大
C. 趋向于某个中间值
D. 不能确定。

可以作为货权凭证的可流通的单据是( )。

A. 海运提单
B. 航空运单
C. 邮包收据
D. 承运货物收据

Fill in the blanks with suitable words, and you may need to change the form if necessary.accommodationblockadesettleeruptengrave(1). The last _____________ of this volcano lasted over a year, so this cannot be ruled out.(2). That image is _____________ on my mind.(3). Due to many years of assaults and _____________ on the part of the Kuomintang government, the life the CPC and the Red Army really led remained unknown to the outside world.(4). Historically, few humans _____________ in the area due to limited means of access.(5). When travelling with family or friends, make sure that the _____________ you select is of high quality.
