

A. 生物传感器
B. 红外传感器
C. 温度传感器
D. 压力传感器



A. 热电偶
B. 热敏电阻
C. AD590
D. 应变片

Task 2 : Listen to the following short passage about community gardening. Choose the correct answer to each question.Q: Who owns the land where the speaker is gardening?[音频][音频]

A. The speaker's landlord.
B. The speaker's family.
C. The speaker's friends.
D. The speaker's teachers.

Task 2 : Listen to the following short passage about community gardening. Choose the correct answer to each question.Q: What kind of food is the speaker growing?[音频][音频]

A. Good but expensive food.
B. Fresh, safe, and affordable food.
C. Safe and different food.
D. Fresh, safe, and expensive food.

Task 2 : Listen to the following short passage about community gardening. Choose the correct answer to each question.Q: How much money is the speaker spending on groceries?[音频][音频]

A lot more money.
B. The same amount of money.
C. No money at all.
D. Less money.
