You are stopped with no way upon your vessel at the pilot station.Your vessel is a large twin-screw ship.You must come around 180° to board your Pilot.How should you use the engines and rudder to turn the ship fastest in the least amount of space ________.
A. Full ahead on the engines and hard over rudder
B. Full ahead on one engine,full astern on the other
C. Half ahead with hard over rudder,then full astern on inboard engine
D. Slow ahead with hard over rudder
A. 散寒祛湿,益气解表
B. 助阳解表
C. 宣肺降气,清热化痰
D. 解肌清热
E. 益气解表,祛湿和胃
A. 地西泮、芬太尼、东莨菪碱
B. 吗啡、地西泮、东莨菪碱
C. 氟哌啶、地西泮、阿托品
D. 哌替啶、地西泮、阿托品
E. 哌替啶、异丙嗪、东莨菪碱
In a _____ boiler the water flows through the inside of the tubes while the hot gases pass
A. water-tube
B. fire-tube
C. exhaust gas
D. none of the above
A. 位于右肝管的上部或与肝总管汇合
B. 与肝总管的下部汇合
C. 在肝总营与胆囊管的交接处汇合
D. 后两种类型在胆囊切除时,若不加注意最容易损伤
E. 有些副肝管的管径较细,手术时不易发现容易损伤