就连小小的扣子也都大有讲究,盘扣造型别致,工艺精美,是唐装中的点睛之笔Even the little ____ are made ____. These unique buttons are the fishing touches of tangzhuang
现在人们在结婚或过年的时候穿上唐装.在大型的庆典场合人们会把唐装当作一种礼服穿在身上Nowadays people put on tangzhuang for the Spring Festival or ____. People regard tangzhuang as special clothing for _____
如今,唐装又融合了一些西方的设计理念西方的设计理念显得更加的时尚和美观Absorbing some elements from ____, Tangzhung now has a more ____, beautiful look
A. init()
B. doGet()
C. destroy()
D. doPost()
A. 释放资源
B. 处理客户端的请求
C. 获取Servlet对象的配置信息
D. 完成初始化工作