A. 心
B. 肺
C. 肝
D. 脾
E. 眼眶
A. 肺肉质变
B. 血栓再通
C. 缩窄性心包炎
D. 脑胶质瘢痕
E. 皮肤瘢痕
A. 病变区是空洞结构
B. 病变区是脓肿结构
C. 缺损是胃粘膜浅层坏死
D. 病变底层主要是肉芽组织
E. 病变区主要是平滑肌细胞增生
Please fill in the blanks according to hints given in brackets.Also, they put things inside that they don’t want anymore, objects that can (1.带来伤心或痛苦回忆). These things will burn with the old year, meaning that they want to forgetall the bad things that happened during the past year. They (2.给人穿上旧衣服)from each member of the family. Then, on (3.新年前夕)at midnight, they(4.点燃傀儡). This symbolizes burning the past and getting ready to start a happy New Year without (5.过去的不愉快).