

A. 支付命令的传输错误
B. 支付命令表述错误
C. 支付命令的错误执行
D. 错误的支付命令
E. 支付命令的认证错误



A. 必须采用双方当事人约定的形式
B. 行为人具有完全民事行为能力
C. 意思表示真实
D. 不违反法律和社会公共利益

What qualifications are expected in the course of on-site interpretation?

A. Language proficiency
B. Interpreting Skill
C. Event specialized knowledge
D. Personal Traits

If you are serving the coach for his/her orders' translation, that means you need to focus on _______ side of the two parts of on-site interpretation

Can you explain why the position of on-site interpreter is danger on some occasions?
