Which of the following statements about adult/somatic stem cells are correct?
Adult/Somatic stem cells are stem cells which maintain & repair the tissue in which they are found.
B. In the 1950s, researchers discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells.
C. One population, called hematopoietic stem cells, forms all the types of blood cells in the body.
D. A second population, called bone marrow stromal stem cells (also called mesenchymal stem cells), were discovered a few years later.
____________ stem cells can differentiate into embryonic & extraembryonic cell types. Such cells can construct a complete, viable organism. These cells are produced from the fusion of an egg & sperm cell. Cells produced by the first few divisions of the fertilized egg are also totipotent.
In mammals, there are two broad types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells (ES cells) which are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts and ________________ stem cells present in various tissues.
_____________ stem cells are the descendants of totipotent cells and can differentiate into nearly all cells, i.e. cells derived from any of the three germ layers.
In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate into all the specialized cells—ectoderm, endoderm and _____________.