
Given:11. int i=(int)Math.random();What is the value of i after line 11?Correct Answers:

A. 0
B. 1
Compilation fails.
D. any positive integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE
E. any integer between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE


Given:String s=1+9+"Hello";System.out.println(s);What is the result?Correct Answers:

A. 19Hello
B. 10Hello
Compilation fails.
D. An exception is thrown at runtime.

Given:String a = "ABCD";String b = a.toLowerCase();b.replace('a', 'd');b.replace('b', 'c');System.out.println(b);What is the result?Correct Answers:

A. abcd
C. dccd
D. dcba
E. Compilation fails.
F. An exception is thrown at runtime

Which three are legal String declarations? (Choose three.)Correct Answers:

A. String s=null;
B. String s='null';
C. String s=(String)'abc';
D. String s="This is a string";
E. String s="This is a very\n long string";

以下关于“借”、“贷”说法正确的有( )。

A. 借方登记资产减少
B. 借方登记资产增加
C. 借方登记收入增加
D. 贷方登记收入减少
