
专利有三种类型, 具体包括()

A. 发明专利
B. 实用新型专利
C. 外观设计专利
D. 工艺技术专利



A. 双线期
B. 粗线期
C. 偶线期
D. 细线期

所谓质-核不育是由质-核中相应基因的互作而引起的,水稻杂种优势利用中成功地利用了这种雄性不育,以下哪种基因型能作为保持系( )。

A. S(Rr)
B. N(rr)
C. S(rr)
D. N(Rr)

染色体重复可带来基因的( )。

A. 剂量效应
B. 互作效应
C. 突变
D. 重组

Staff: Mr.Lee. This is your pre-meal fruits. Please enjoy. This is your abalone broth. This is your soy sauce will chili and this is Sacha sauce.Excuce me. Mr. Lee. _______________ Clockwise is turn down. Be careful. It's hot.Excuse me. This is your shrimps, and this is Chinese leaf lettuce._______________. You can boil your food now.Would you like some more coconut milk?Guest: No, thanks.Staff: My pleasure. All dishes have been served._____________Guest: No, many thanks.Staff: _______.Excuse me, may I change another plate for you?Guest: Oh. Thanks.Staff: Excuse me. May I refill the broth.Guest: Ok.A. Is there anything else I can do for you?B.You can use thiw button to control the fire.C.Your broth is ready, please enjoy.D. My pleasure. Please enjoy.
