
Contrary to popular belief, the oil companies can't control the price of crude.What is the meaning of ‘popular’in the sentence?

A. be enjoyed or liked by a lot of people
B. suited to the taste and knowledge of ordinary people
C. shared by a large number of people
D. connected with the ordinary people of a country


This is a trend towards part-time employment. What is the meaning of ‘trend’in the sentence?

A. to do something that becomes accepted or fashionable
B. very great
C. a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing
D. to take a particular direction

According to the passage, what is friendship about?

A.It is about doing something for another or having lots of possessions to attract another.
B.It is about being a mirror in which the other sees himself or herself.
C.It is about asking.
D.It is about complaining.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Friendship is about looking into the eyes of another and seeing myself.
B.True friendship is the experience of knowing another at soul level.
C.It must appear that the form of a particular friendship lasts a lifetime.
D. The actual connection between two souls is ever present and everlasting no matter what the form looks like.

They swore their ___ to the king.

D. disloyalty
