
听力原文: George W. Bush on Friday presented to Congress a letter formally requesting an extension to the Normal Trade Relations(NTR) status to China for another year.
In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Bush said that trade with China has benefited both American businesses, which boosted exports to China by 24 pen: em last year, and American farmers, who exported to China more than US $ 3 billion worth of farm produts in the same period.
"Trade is in the interest of American consumers, especially those who live from paycheck to paycheck and depend on inexpensive goods, from China to enhance their quality of life, "Bush said.
He said that the normal trade status requested for China is what "virtually every other country in the world" now en-joys.
"Fair trade is essential not only to improve living standards for Americans, but also for a strong and productive relationship with China," he said.
Bush said that the United States has a huge stake in the emergence of" an economically open, politically stable and secure China", and "not only do we need to speak frankly and directly about our differences, but we also need to maintain dialogue and co-operation with one another in those areas where we have common interests."
Last year, Congress passed Legislation granting China permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) as soon as the country enters the World Trade Organization, abandoning what China had seen as the unfair practice of annual review by the US Legislature over its trade status.
The PNTR legislation, however, has not yet come into effect since China is still negociating its access to the globel trading block. Therefore, the annual review will continue on the Capital Hill this year.
When did George W. Bush present a letter to Congress?

A. Friday.
B. Thursday.
C. Tuesday.
D. Monday.


下列关于停业的税务管理,表述正碗的是 ()。

A. 定期定额征收方式的个体工商户停业期不得超过半年
B. 若停业期间发生经营行为时,不需要申报缴纳税款
C. 纳税人办理停业登记,税务机关收存其税务登记证正本,纳税人保留副本
D. 一旦纳税人申请停业,其未使用完的发票由税务机关予以收存

工程一切险的保险费用由业主单方面承担。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

对于任何分包人、分包人的代理人、分包人的雇员或工人,其行为违约或疏忽,承包人可以不负责。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

答疑会上招标单位对投标人所提问题的书面答复将构成招标文件的组成部分。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
