Rollin (1989) writes: "We would expect its (the animal's) behaviour to be appropriate to its telos – the unique, evolutionary determined, genetically encoded, environmentally shaped set of needs and interests which characterize the animal in question – the 'pigness' of the pig, the 'dogness' of the dog, and so on".
Critics of perfectionism will say that it is reasonable to assume that an animal under such aversive, or even life threatening, circumstances has reduced welfare or even suffers, and hence performing the full behavioral repertoire does not necessarily increase the welfare of the animal.
A. 对
B. 错
Even though an animal possesses a set of conditional behavioral patterns that governs the performance of behaviors, it doesn't necessarily mean that the animal must perform these behaviors to enjoy welfare, but rather that the animal should be able to use these mechanisms for adaptation, if the circumstances should require it to.
A. 对
B. 错
Good biological functioning constitutes the basis of a great deal of animal welfare evaluating methods.
A. 对
B. 错
Scientistsworkingwithanimalwelfareseemtoagreethataccurateassessmentofanimalwelfareshould not bebasedonablendofdifferenttheories.
A. 对
B. 错