

A. 国际竞争日益激烈,我国在经济、科技上与发达国家差距较大
B. 面临着严峻的资源、环境、人口等问题
C. 不公正不合理的国际经济政治旧秩序没有根本改变,影响和平与发展的不确定因素增加
D. 我国周边的安全形势比较严峻


1905年11月,在同盟会机关报《民报》发刊词中,孙中山将同盟会的纲领概括为三大主义,即民族主义、民权主义、民生主义,后来成为三民主义。其中,民权主义的内容是( )

A. 驱除鞑虏
B. 恢复中华
C. 创立民国
D. 平均地权


A. 对
B. 错


A. 对
B. 错

Fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases (with no more than 3 words) to complete the summary of the text.The daughter is leaving home for independence and the mother feels ____1____ and free of the_____2_______ on the one hand, yet ___3____ if she could take good care of herself on the other. The daughter _______4__________ in her rooms and the mother ____________5_______ the rooms.After the mother finds a large envelope ______6_____ with “DO NOT THROW AWAY”with all the memorable things the parents gave to the daughter, she feels very ____7_____. And the mother’s attitude _____8____completely. Shetries hard to ______9___________her tears. She believes her daughter will come back one day. The parents are _______10______ her with open arms
