
运行如下程序后,输出结果为________。For m = 1 To 5a = 0For j = 1 To 5a = 1For k = 1 To 5a = a + 3Next kNext jNext mPrint a


执行下面的程序段,文本框Text1中显示的是_______。Dim i As Integer, j As Integeri = 1Do While i < 30j = i + ji = i * (i +3)LoopText1.Text = j

执行下面的程序段,输出结果是_________。Dim str1 As String, str2 As Stringstr1 = "abc"str1 = UCase(str1)For i = 1 To 3str2 = Chr(Asc(str1) + i)str1 = str1 & str2Next iPrint str1

下面程序段中,在窗体上显示的结果为________。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim b As Integer, k As Integerb = 1For k = 1 To 6b = b * kIf b >= 20 ThenExit ForElsek = k + 3End IfNext kPrint k, bEnd Sub

阅读下面程序,当单击窗体后,窗体上输出的是___________。Private Sub Form_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerDim k As IntegerFor i = 1 To 10 Step 3For j = 1 To 10 Step 2If j >= 5 Then i = i + 3: Exit Forj = j + 1k = k + 1Next jIf i > 8 Then Exit ForNext iPrint i; j; kEnd Sub
